birthday blues

Today is my 59th. I don't think I've ever felt so low on this day before.

Birthdays are milestones. They are points of reckoning in life. What happened during the past year? What will be better this year? What are you going to achieve this year? It's your own personal new year. 

Today is different for me. I am at a very low point. I have no job to speak of and no money to spend. My bank accounts are below maintaining. The cash in my pocket is worth one trip and that's it, I'll have to walk home from wherever.

Shall I celebrate today? I really don't know how. 

Here we go again

 It just occurred to me that I have been neglecting this asset.

So, starting today, I'm going back to this practice and blogging again.

My friend says blogging here is dead. He believes people only read blogs on socmed. Maybe that's true. I'll just use socmed to bing them here then.

Meanwhile, I have to revamp my main page.