
It's really interesting how the justices reacted to criticisms levied against them.  Are they being bullied? I don't see it that way.  I see a Filipino citizen albeit the country's top executive airing his disgust over the conduct of justice.  He has every right to do so according to our Constitution which in case the justices forgot includes a clause on freedom of expression.

Was P-Noynoy on the right track with his barangues?  Actually, it does not matter.  Evidence should always win over mere rhetoric.  But why did the "illustrious" justices react so strongly as to declare a court holiday.  What they did they think was to express their disgust over President Aquino's so-called attacks on their "good" office.  What they actually did was to delay further the implementation of justice for the affected cases.

It is sad that the reaction of our esteemed Supreme Court justices had much less aplomb than their office deserved.  Their recent actions indicate a tendency towards self-righteousness, something very dangerous for such a position.  They seem to exhibit the idea that "if we do it we are exercising justice but if you do it you are being tyrannic".

I like the editorial of .  It gives a very good background on the current situation.

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