My friend Joan Piñon once said that I was her lucky charm on the MRT rides. Every tiem she rides with me, the car is not as crowded as normal. I think she was proven correct yet again.
The other day, I had to go to Mandaluyong. I went to the Quezon Avenue station to ride a train. When I got there, there was a train that just got into the station. I decided to wait for the next one because I did not want to rush. The space I wanted was probably occupied already.
So I let the first train go and stood on the platform as it sped off. I did not wait long for the next. In about two minutes time, another train was coming into the station.
And lo! It was empty. The train was meant to take off from this station. All of us got on and all of us were able to sit down (or stand by choice).
Because we were so close to the one before, our train never got full. I will bet that the one I did not ride was crowded to overflowing. In our case, there were a few who were standing but there were seats that were still available.
On the same day, I took the commuter train from the end station at Taft. Of course I got a seat, that's one of the things I like about coming from the end station. It was rush hour so we did not wait long before the train left the station.
We got to the Magallanes station and already there were some people standing. I thought we would be fulll by the time we left the Ayala station. I was wrong.
In fact, until I got off at Cubao the car was not crowded. Oh there were lots of people standing right in front of me but if I tilt my head just so, I could still see out the window across the train.
Lovely, isn't it?