Chuckie's Pizza

A former colleague when I was teaching announced that he was opening a pizza place. I told my nephew who was into food. He said he was wary about small pizza joints because they tended to not so satisfactory. He grew up liking Sjhakey's pizzas and that was his barometer.. He said he could do better than most of those local pizzas. Actually, for some of those pizzas, I would agree with him.

 Anyways, he finally agreed to pick up a sample. It would be a good excuse to bring out his bike. He decided to go for the Napoletana and the Bacon flavoured pizzas. He mentioned other flavours like the 3 Cheese (which his cousin might like because this one loved cheese) and a Shrimp Wasabe.

Okay so we got a pitcher of tea and sat down to eat. The comments.

"This better than [those other pizzas]"
"Cheese is good"
"Crust is chewy"

And some other nice things were said about the flavour. But we had one major complaint.

"How come he did not have a box for take out?"

Oh yes, Chuckie, considering you have a small space, expect to hand out a lot of take outs. Get those boxes printed!

Chuckie's Pizza can be found at The Square Magiting, 51 Magiting Street, UP Village, Diliman, Quezon City. 

Rainy Nights

If only I was able to stay home all the time, rainy days and nights would be wonderful times. The sound of rain on the window and the tin roofs sometimes make me feel relaxed and even sleepy.

However, I have to go to meetings every now and then. Like a couple of days ago when we had a meeting at Kenny Rogers along Matalino Street. We were just wrapping up when we heard thunder. Some minutes later, we distinctly saw lightning. That was when we all stood up, paid up and wlaked out.

I was walking home, I live in the village.Great timing.I was right in front of 7-11 when the rain started to pour. I was so glad I went inside because what followed was a torrent.

You really have to welcome providential blessings.

What Are You Doing

"Your issues are part of midlife"

That's what my supervisor told me. I do volunteer work on pastoral care and we have these supervision sessions. During these sessions, we discuss cases and how our personal state affected the case.

In every interaction, we bring part of ourselves. Nurses may be careful but edgy because of a problem.  Therapists may be overly zealous after receiving good news. Even pastors may bring personal biases when they give their talks at the pulpit. People like me who work in the caring and helping profession simply have to be watchful.

Watchful. Great word. I have been watchful. In fact I have been watching the world more than being in it. Wallflowring is a pretty easy sport to practice but it can get boring sooner or later. There will come a point in life when you will realise that nothing really happens on the sidelines.

That time usually comes when you experience the so-called midlife crisis. That's when you start to look back to see what you've accomplished so far and try to take a peek at the future to see where you're going. Mind, I have accomplished a few things in my life but not the "great" things that I would have wanted.

It's time to cross out items on my bucket list.

Come to think of it, I never got around to making that bucket list. All I have are declarations of the things that I wanted to happen in my life. Somehow, committing these things to paper makes you commit to them as well.

So Item#1 on my bucket list: Complete the list of 100 things I will do before I die.

Starting With the Bang

As I write, I can still hear firecrackers way off. There were a lot this year and the show from the terrace was terrific.

We live close enough from where a TV network held its countdown so I was able to watch their fireworks display. It was a good five minute display

Yet there were other displays, not as long but equally engaging. It seemed we were surrounded by these fireworks displays. We ourselves could not engage in such for health reasons but it is always fun to watch.

It seemed like an auspicious start. May we all have a prosperous 2015!