Today at the Bank

I had a biz transaction to complete today so I made a supposedly quick trip to the bank. When I got there however, I realized that was not going to be. So I took my place at the tail of a snaking queue that was fast becoming longer than two king cobras combined.
The line progressed slowly even as the counter space for five tellers was fully manned. It would definitely be an irritating wait if I don't do something. I began by grabbing and going through the bank's brochures. I chose to keep one that defined investment terms and returned the rest. Still a long way from the counter. I decided to just observe the people in the line with me.

The first to catch my eye was the lady in front of me. She was wearing a gray cardigan over a red turtleneck with a button clasp at the back that formed a little hole. Her hair was braided so the clasp and the hole were visible. There was a blue piece of plastic sticking out of that hole which turned out to be the cover of a ballpoint. The pen was stuck into it and was hidden under the blouse. A little later, her cardigan slid down revealing a second pen lower down the hole. Interesting, most people put it in their hair.

As the line moved, I noticed another lady. She had on a black blouse with a cut out on both sleeves surrounded by beads meant to look like small pearls. She was wearing cargo shorts in an old rose color with the straps unlocked. What really caught my eye were her tresses. They were the same color as her blouse and went down beyond her shorts. When the curving snake put me directly across her, I asked about it. She smiled and said, yes, they were all naturally hers. I'm impressed, really. I wear my hair short because I like it wash and wear, no fuss. Hair like that must use a lot of shampoo, not to mention a very long comb.

There were a lot more to be seen and occupy my time with. The lady behind me had on a pink blouse with a cluster of glittering black beads in the middle of the chest area. Further behind us was a lady clutching what seemed to me to be a formal bag because it had the design of a barong accented with sequins. There was also the couple who clung to each other; the tall tanned guy in black sando embracing the fair skinned girl wearing a white shirt.

As I looked around, I noticed that the dominant color was reds and pinks, followed by black and grays with white following a far third.  Does the color mean anything to these people? I was one of the whites because I just wanted to wear the design which was in yellow.

Whatever the reason for being there or for wearing what they did, I hope the over 30 minute wait in that line did not dampen their spirits. It really did not do that to me because with such a long line, I expected to be there longer. Anyway, . . . .