Skin So

I took a walk late this afternoon.  I passed by the 7-11 and decided that walking home would be the best way to  get home.  It was in the area where we used to live so I was familiar with the place.

As I passed one of the buildings, I noticed a guy giving out fliers.  He was wearing what looked like a scrub suit but it was colored maroon.  Still, I guessed he was a clinical assistant of some sort.

Anyway, as I was about to pass him, he began to extend his right hand holding out a leaflet towards me.  As I got closer, he hesitated and left it hanging close to his body.  There was no further effort to give me the flier.

Then, I noticed there was a new derma clinic at the ground floor of the next building.  I guess that was where he worked and the leaflet was about their services.

I would like to believe that he hesitated because he noticed that I did not need to visit them.  But then it was almost evening.

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