I had lunch at McDonald's today. At the next table sat two ladies, probably in their mid forties. One was wearing a rust colored blouse while the other had on a red shirt. They were loudly discussing their kids. At one point, the lady in red said "My kid liked the song so much that she asked me where I got it."
At that point, she began to sing the song. She went on until she got to the chorus then something occurred to her and she blurted out the title.
The conversation then moved towards current music and again the lady in red took the lead. She expressed an opinion about Justin Beeber which I didn't quite catch but it sounded positive.
A little later, they got to discussing 80s music and the Styx song "Kilroy Was Here" got mentioned. Actually the lady in red was reciting the titles of Styx songs that were released together. Speaking of Kilroy, the conversation turned to robots, particularly robots in movies.
I was fascinated with this lady in red. She knew the story of some newer movies very well. She even knew who starred in those movies.
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