Blogging Again

I actually created my first blog either in 2001 or 2002. I don't remember when. I don't even remember where it was hosted. I'm positive about one thing. The template I used then is still available here on blogspot. If I ever have the inspiration to remember the blog name I used, I'm pretty sure I can still visit it.

A coworker discovered blogging first. He knew I was also into writing so he shared hsi blog with me. We had a few exchanges then. One of us would write something and the other would comment.

That's still how blogs work but now there are so many conversations going on. It has become a money maker for some people. Back then, we hoped somebody would notice how well we wrote and hire us. Now, that is close to impossible with so many things being said on the blogsphere.

Self-publishing here is wonderful I think.

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