What? Me? Join?

Our business organization paid a courtesy call to a new congressman who is representing the micro-business sector. Til it was time to go, we were not sure if we would be going. The clouds did not seem to be clearing as the rain continued to pour with lightning lashing in the background. On top of that, the member who arranged for the meeting was still on a plane flying back home.

Well, we did go. During the cab ride, we decided to review our notes in case the new lawmaker had any questions. They told me to concentrate on the group's Vision/Mission which I read twice although it was hard reading in a running cab.

The lawmaker did not directly ask for the Vision/Mission so I did not have to recite it. After the meeting, we hied off to a canteen where the others decided to quiz me on what I was supposed to discuss. I admitted I could not recite them word for word.

We join many groups. Usually, we have an idea of what the group is about. Sometimes, we listen to an inspiring recruitment pitch and we are convinced we should be in that group.

I wonder how many of us bother to really find out what the group we are joining really stands for.

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